Manual Therapy. Vestibular therapy. Vertigo. Dizziness. headaches. balance. joint pain. chronic pain.

Manual Therapy. Vestibular therapy. Vertigo. Dizziness. headaches. balance. joint pain. chronic pain.

Help is on the way.

To provide a one-on-one, hands-on physical therapy experience and mobile concierge service that fixes your vertigo, heals your joint pain, and gets you back to living your best life!


Core values


Dr. Seth Kaufmann, PT, DPT is aware that the current healthcare system does not always cater to your personal lifestyle and daily activities. Seth recognizes who YOU are as a person, what your body is capable of doing, and give you treatment and strategies that will prevent your issue from returning, to assure you can get back to living the life you enjoy most.


When developing treatment programs for his clients, Dr. Seth Kaufmann, PT, DPT asks thorough questions during the initial evaluation (1st visit) to fully understand the daily activities and lifestyle his clients enjoy living. Seth is able to formulate a treatment plan that includes one-on-one treatment with AT LEAST 45 minutes hands-on physical therapy, and developing goals that will make you feel like yourself again.


FUN is a core value that often becomes overlooked in the healthcare setting. Dr. Seth Kaufmann, PT, DPT will show you that physical therapy can be extremely fun! Seth utilizes creative exercises and athletic simulations that cater to his clients’ specific activities or lifestyles.


It is important to recognize how important prevention is in the rehabilitative process. What if we never had injuries if we prevented the injury from happening to begin with? Dr. Seth Kaufmann, PT, DPT assures that his treatment programs will allow YOU to get back to the life you were living before injury, and prevent the injury from returning now or in the future. Seth is also determined to work with clients who want to prevent injury from occurring in the first place!

Here to help

Whether you are unsure about a recent diagnosis, you have concerns about starting a new sport or activity, or you just want to speak to a healthcare professional about pain in your daily life, Dr. Seth Kaufmann, PT, DPT is here to help you! Seth will help you in every way and any way he can to assure that you are back to living YOUR best life.